Sunday, October 10, 2010

Baby Ben Flipping over at 4 months old

Ben starting flipping over when he was 4 months 2 days old. The other day Chris took pictures while he did it! We adore our new baby boy and can't believe he is growing so fast.


The Garbison family said...


AMcDuffie said...!/photo.php?fbid=117888161612017&set=a.103302813070552.4788.100001725011519&type=1&theater

Please go to this link. This "person" on facebook has stolen 2 or 3 or your sons pictures and claims it is her son "Jacoby" this person's profile isn't even a real facbook. And all this pictures on the page are stolen from other people or from google. Whoever made it is very sick and needs mental help. I just wanted you to be aware.

Christopher said...

Wow, I can't believe somebody would do something like that! Actually, I can believe it, but it's still disturbing.

Anyway, thank you for bringing it to my attention. I reported the photos to Facebook, and hopefully they'll take down the pictures soon.