Saturday, October 18, 2008

Baby Alex!

Now here's Alex's first bath:

And after the bath:

He's looking very cozy in his clean clothes:

But he looks very suspicious, wondering if he'll have to take a bath again:


Strong Family - said...

He's so cute! And look at all that dark, dark hair. I'm so excited you guys have a blog now! Keep the pictures coming! Lauree

Marenski said...

Wow Mel! Alex is beautiful. Look at that hair.

Sarah LeSueur said...

He's adorable Melinda. I love the bath picture the best!

=) Megan said...

I'm with Sarah, the bath picture is the best! Alex is such a cute baby!

Bethany said...

He is too cute!!! I wish that Kylee had that much hair when she was born. Actually, I wish she had that much hair now. LOL.